Colorado Compliance Posters

Compliance poster made easy with a PEO Over the next few months business will be hit hard with adds selling compliance poster. some of these adds sounds like a demand letter from the IRS requiring you to update every year. Certain poster did change this year but not...

Unapproved work done by employees must be compensated

DOL restates requirement to pay employees for all time worked, even if it was not approved by the employer. In a recent Department of Labor Opinion Letter concerning break and meal policies, the Department restates that any work done by the employee, regardless of...

Nursing Mothers in the Workplace

Effective August 5, 2008, public and private employers in Colorado need to make reasonable efforts in accommodating nursing mothers. The new law states that “employers in Colorado with one or more employees shall provide reasonable unpaid break time or permit an...

PEOs growing as economy slows

Businesses are focusing more on income generating ideas and activities as the economy slows. In today’s economy, the only people who will make money in the next four years are the business owners that know how to run their business efficiently and with growth in...