Federal Tax Deposits

Late deposit penalties for federal tax deposits. Deposit Penalties: Penalties may apply if you do not make required deposits on time, if you make deposits for less than the required amount, or if you do not use EFTPS when required. The penalties do not apply if...

Independent Contractor Form

Pinnacol Assurance independent contractor form must be completed before any work can begin by the sub or contractor. Many employers use Pinnacol Assurance as their provider for Workers compensation in Colorado. Actually more than 60% of Colorado employers us Pinnacol...

Health Insurance Discounts

In November all United health care clients that used the Health One Network received a 7% discount on the November bill. Did your United Health care bill have a discount on it in November? All participants that had coverage in October should show a discount for that...

PEOs and Immigration

Are you ready for the new Immigration laws coming in January? A Professional Employer Organization is ready with a large staff of HR experts to help you stay current and within the new immigration laws Many state are enacting new immigration rules  on January 1, 2007....