It’s the Little Things that Count

It’s the Little Things that Count

These days it seems like it’s getting harder and harder to compete with all the flourish and flair many start-ups and tech companies offer. Take Google, for example; they offer their employees things like gourmet cafeterias, video games, nap pods, massage rooms, and...

Workers Compensation: What to Do, Where to Go

If someone is injured on the job, what are you, the employer, required to do? Do you know where the necessary forms and procedural information are located at your workplace? Do your employees know where to go to get treatment for a work-related injury or illness?...

Stripper Poles and Workers’ Comp.

After 40 years of living, I know I still have a lot to learn.  But in those 40 years, I’ve also experienced a lot and seen some really strange things.  So imagine my surprise when I read a publicity pitch a few weeks ago on tow hitch stripper poles.  Got that...

Workers Compensation Claims Review

How does reviewing past claims help my business save money with Workers Compensation Insurance? Today StaffScapes is meeting with representatives from Pinnacol Assurance to review past claim history. This is a very valuable tool for all for all business that have had...

Pinnacol Assurance

Pinnacol survey finds customers are more satisfied then ever.  In a recent survey of customers Pinnacol Assurance received it highest satisfied customer rating in years. Pinnacol received a 9.0 out of 10 for customer satisfaction of existing clients. Customers...