Human Resource Stories

StaffScapes Colorado leading PEO is looking for a few fun and interesting HR stories. Do you as an employee, Hr manager or business owner have a story that your friends can’t believe took place. Submit an article in and we will post a few and discuss what should...
Human Resource best practice checklist

Human Resource best practice checklist

The following practices are effectives ways small business can grow through effective employee management. Effective people management practices help grow sales and improve profits. These proven practices can positively impact business results. Align recruiting...
Outsourcing is the Great Equalizer

Outsourcing is the Great Equalizer

According to Frank J. Casale, chairman and CEO of The Outsourcing Institute in Jericho, N.Y., outsourcing “is the great equalizer for small to medium-sized firms. Growth-oriented entrepreneurs …can benefit tremendously. Not only do employees frequently gain access to...