Initiative #93 – Safe and Healthy Workplace

StaffScapes review of the devastating labor initiatives on the November Ballot. Initiative #93 would “allow an injured employee to bring an action in District Court for compensatory and punitive damages, if the employer fails to provide a safe and healthy workplace.”...

Is Your Company Prepared for an Emergency?

September is National Preparedness Month. This is a good time for you and your employees to prepare for workplace emergencies. In the case of a natural disaster, fire, explosion, or other workplace crisis, The Department of Homeland Security has a very useful website...

Pinnacol Assurance Safety Seminar

Claims Management with Pinnacol Assurance Have you every wandered if you are managing a workers compensation claim correctly. Come learn the in’s and outs of claim management with Kay Carnahan Director-Agent Loss management Programs of Pinnacol Assurance...

Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

Reducing Workers Compensation Claims Approximately 300,000 injuries per year are due to slip trip and fall accidents.  According to the US Department of Labor this contributes to 8% of all job related activities. Something to watch out for include: 1. Keeping walkways...

Safety Training Critical!

Providing safety training is vital for new employees Pinnacol Assurance recently released its findings from a study conducted by their loss prevention team.  Pinnacol analyzed the 2006 claims data to find out what impact years of service have on claims experience. ...

Safety Culture Key to Safety Performance

Steps to help create a safety culture Successful safety performance will come about with a successful safety culture.  It takes the values set by management to determine the way that the workforce acts. Therefore, a safety conscience culture has to be established...