SBA Creates Hot line for tough times

Tough economic times in Colorado prompt SBA to create Hot Line to assist business with growth and ways to stay in business. The Colorado district of the US Small Business Administration as created a new hot line number for small business to call in these tough...

Flexible Spending Accounts

As the end of 2008 is getting closer, StaffScapes, Inc. wants to remind its FSA participates to use all of the funds available in their FSA accounts. Some of the expenses that are eligible to be reimbursed under qualified Flexible Spending Accounts are: -Deductible...
Colorado Economic Stimulus Package

Colorado Economic Stimulus Package

Colorado Governor released the 2009 budget yesterday and is calling for Nov 20th to be Keep Colorado working Day. Through out the state on Nov 20th the Department of Labor will hold a series of regional Job fairs. Keep Colorado working day will spearhead the...

October Employment

The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases October 2008 employment numbers. With unemployment on the rise and volatility in the economy, U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao issued a statement concerning the recent October employment situation report:...

Snow season in Colorado

November 10-14 Winter Hazard Awareness Week The winter months are coming! Keep your accident numbers low, and reduce your workers’ compensation claims these winter months, with a few safety suggestions. Suggestions for helping your workers stay on...

Exit Now for a better 2009

PEOs providing certainty in rough economic times. With the recent uncertainty in the stock market, banks selling one after another and business struggling with increasing cost. It is tougher than ever for small and medium sized business to control cost. By partnering...