4 Changes to the Affordable Care Act

4 Changes to the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is seeing a handful of changes this year. Some areas, like the automatic enrollment policy, were simplified for employers. Other line items will be tied to increased penalties. The good news is that there are fewer changes compared to...
Deciphering Health Insurance Lingo

Deciphering Health Insurance Lingo

Health insurance plans can be intricate and often confusing to decide what is important for your plan. There are many options to cater to what you, the employer, would like to make available to your employees. There are 3 major categories to focus on when looking at...
Millennials Eye Retirement

Millennials Eye Retirement

With 53.5 million workers, Millennials just became the largest generation in the US labor force, so retirement is not just a Baby Boomer issue. Millennials are concerned about retirement planning too. As a business owner, there are key behaviors to take into...
Phased Retirement

Phased Retirement

The scope of retirement is changing for the working world. More and more companies are starting to incorporate “phased retirement” policies in order to make the transition more comfortable for the retiree while retaining skilled and experienced employees. Phased...

The Benefits of Vision Care

Voluntary benefits can increase job satisfaction, reduce expenses, improve productivity and help set you, the employer apart from your other competitors when recruiting key staff for your business.  It also is a primary factor in the decision employees make to...
PEO Benefits

PEO Benefits

Making a case for a Professional Employer Organization – PEO It is difficult to change from “the way things have been done.” Here are a few good reasons why it makes sense to talk to a PEO about partnering with, or creating strategies to use a PEO. Consolidation...