PEO Brokers

PEO Brokers

StaffScapes, a regional Professional Employer Organization (PEO), is expanding its business model. Are you a PEO Broker or insurance agent looking to place business with a PEO or an insurance agent looking to keep your client from going to a PEO? StaffScapes is your...

New Health Program in Alabama

New program in Alabama gives state employees the opportunity to be humiliated at work. The new program that has caused some questions will be brought to 37,527 state employees and cause at-work weigh-ins and fat tests. If an employee weighs over the “normal “BMI then...
Why would a business use a PEO?

Why would a business use a PEO?

Business owners more than ever are selecting PEO’s to allow them to better focus their energy on income generating activities. Business owners want to focus their time and energy on the “business of their business” and not on the “business of...

Laid off workers starting their own business

A newly displaced worker turns to a PEO before starting her business. A family friend recently lost her job at a large technology company and has decided to become her own boss and start a new business venture. She came into the office to discuss concerns she has with...