A Fresh Look at PEOs

A Fresh Look at PEOs

California Employment Training Panel (ETP) recognizes the value a PEO brings to small business and is reviewing policy on funding ETP programs with PEO’s and there clients under a c0-employment relationship.  Employment Training Panel is considering funding...

Termination Checks

What is the timeline an employer has to give a terminated employee their last check? When an employee has been discharged for any reason, According to the Colorado Wage Act, it is required that a last check for a terminated employee be issued to the employee for any...

Documenting Workers

A recent ICE arrest shows more than fines as potential liabilities from hiring illegal workers US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents recently arrested 24 day laborers at a Baltimore convenience store accused of being in the US illegally.  The...


StaffScapes a Denver based PEO has been a member of NAPEO since we opened our doors in 1996. NAPEO is a great partner to all PEO’s from regulator compliance to marketing. NAPEO, the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations, is the recognized...

Missing W-2’s

StaffScapes has sent out all W-2’s, employees who have not received their W-2 may need to update their information For all former employees who still have not received a W2 from StaffScapes, it may because the address on your W-2 is no longer current.  If you...