Offering the option of working remotely is a tactic many businesses are using to obtain top talent. To the dismay of some employers, this trend is here to stay. As an employer considering a remote-working benefit, there are multiple factors to be considered to effectively implement a remote-working policy.

During the Society for Human Resource Management’s Talent Acquisition Conference in Chicago this year, the benefits and challenges of remote working were examined. Shorter commutes, easier access to expertise and knowledge, and the reduced need for office space were all cited as great benefits to working remotely. The conference also identified several critical factors for remote working programs to be implemented realistically so that office productivity isn’t sacrificed.

Remote Working Isn’t Right For Every Business

One of the major points stressed was that while remote working offers numerous advantages over traditional office working, it doesn’t work for every business. It’s also not a rite employees are entitled to. In order to decide if a remote working program is right for any business, employers should analyze each position to determine if it’s a job that can be done out of the office. It’s simply not possible for some jobs to be completed remotely.

Consider the Employee’s Productivity In the Office

Additionally, employees who have demonstrated their efficiency and productivity are viable candidates for remote working, while not-so-great workers should not be considered. If that one employee who constantly needs to be monitored in order to get his job done struggles as it is in the office, working from home is probably not going to make him any more productive.

Consider the Employee’s Home Environment

Once a business decides that a), working remotely is a good option for employees, and b), employees are responsible enough to complete their work at home, there are still other factors that should be taken into account. Employers should know what kind of environment their employees will be working in. It’s important to know if the employee is likely to be constantly interrupted by household noise and activity, if their internet is fast enough, etc. Many companies will even go so far as to provide certain conveniences for at-home workers, such as printers, computers, and faster internet.

Working from home can provide many benefits for employers and employees, but the process needs to be implemented and monitored closely to ensure that both the office and the employee are getting their needs met. As employers continue to compete for top talent, especially in the technology field, working from home will continue to be a desired employee benefit. And as long as employees continue to meet their deadlines, remote working is a viable option for many businesses.

If your business needs a formal work-from-home policy implemented, contact StaffScapes to help you draft one.
