401k Plan Changes

401k Plan Changes

Tax Treatment of Refunds Changing for 2008 Beginning with the 2008 plan year, ADP and ACP refunds attributable to the 2008 plan year are taxable in the year of distribution. Therefore, for the 2008 plan year, refunds distributed between January 1, 2009 and March 15,...

Safe Harbour 401k Plans

Would your company benefit from amending to a Safe Harbor plan design which would: Allow their plan to automatically “pass” the ADP/ACP tests and thereby avoid having to take corrective actions such as issuing refunds to Highly Compensated Employees(HCEs)...

Summer Annual Report

StaffScapes, Inc 401k Profit Sharing Plan Annual Report is ready for viewing The summary annual report for the StaffScapes, Inc. profit sharing plan, plan no 333, for period January1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 is available for viewing. The annual report has been...