If you have experienced a change in your situation, commonly known as qualifying life event, you are eligible for a special enrollment period. This also applies to those who have COBRA coverage (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act). COBRA coverage temporarily provides individuals with health insurance to those eligible. This is an extended coverage from your most recent employer in times of transitions.

Qualifying life events (QLE) can be broken down into three categories:

– Loss of coverage in the following areas: employment, individual, student, Medicare, Medicaid plans or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This includes when dependents turn 26 and lose coverage under their parents plan.>/p>

– Changes in household and residency which include: marriage, divorce, birth of a child, adopting a child, or death in family. If you have relocated to a different state or region where the same health plans are not available, you would qualify you for a special enrollment period.

– Other qualifying events: Change in status of employment which affects your income, becoming a U.S citizen, employer coverage that no longer is affordable (achieves minimum value).

If you have experienced one of these qualifying events, you have the ability to change, wave your current coverage, or add new coverage. In order to meet the requirements for changing your coverage, you will need proof of your qualifying life event.

An example, if you lose coverage you would need to provide documentation of the date in which your coverage expired.

If you want more information please contact StaffScapes at 303-466-7864. More information is available on www.healthcare.gov.
