New Posters

Effective November 21, 2009 ALL employers are required to post the new Equal Employer Opportunity Poster.  This notice now includes Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008(GINA), which prohibits genetic information discrimination in employment.

Effective January 1, 2010 all Colorado employers are required to post the new Colorado Minimum Wage Order Poster. This notice explains what rights and protections employees have under the Colorado Minimum Wage Order, including minimum wage, work periods and overtime.  If you have any questions regarding the application of this Order please contact StaffScapes. 

This year there was a reduction in the Colorado State Minimum wage to $7.24 per hour.  Since the Federal Minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is greater, $7.25 will be the rate that must be used as minimum pay.

StaffScapes provides clients with all of your required posters, and notification of these changes.  If you have any questions or need posters please contact Lora Manternach at 303-466-7864.
