Unintended Consequences, cont’d

Continuing with the idea that for every decision, there are both intended and unintended consequences, another type of decision to consider relates to company growth and the impact of not knowing what exactly you get when you acquire a new business. Often the prospect...

‘Spring forward’ – carefully!

It’s that time of year! This Sunday we will set the clocks forward one hour to start Daylight Savings Time (DST). You may think this practice of adjusting the clock does not cause anyone to adjust their behavior because “it’s only an hour”, right? Consider the...

The Law of Unintended Consequences

Have you ever made a decision that seemed right in the beginning, only to watch it slowly morph into a nightmare over time? The Law of Unintended Consequences says that for every change or action, there are both positive consequences – which we obviously want – and...

Emergency Service Volunteers

If you are an employer in Colorado, ask yourself: have you heard of House Bill 08-1097 – Colorado Revised Statutes §24-32-2202 et seq.? If not, you may want to consider brushing up on the subject, especially if you have any employees who volunteer as emergency...

Flu Season and Productivity

It’s no secret that this year’s flu season started earlier and has been more severe than in years past.  Companies with full-time, salaried employees typically offer some form of paid sick leave and can usually attest to the benefits of having such a policy in...