What others are saying about PEOs

“Thousands of businesses have turned to professional employer organizations (PEOs) for relief. A typical PEO takes over the time-consuming task of HR management, freeing companies to refocus resources on their core discipline. Besides handling a company’s payroll processing, full-service PEOs often provide small and medium-sized businesses with access to big-company benefits they could not offer on their own.”
“Small Businesses Confront HR Woes with the Help of PEOs,” American Payroll, July 7, 2007

“Many PEOs now behave much like consultants, helping clients tap into the latest health benefits and comply with complex labor regulations related to discrimination and workplace safety. PEOs are becoming one-stop shops for business owners eager to outsource all their HR functions and focus instead on their core business. … PEOs make the most sense for business owners who can’t afford a dedicated human resources staff and don’t have the time to handle day-to-day HR issues themselves.”
“Fed Up with HR?” Inc. Magazine, May 2006
