The way companies hire employees has drastically changed over the years. 10 years ago, companies hired individuals based on his or her credentials. A few years later, potential employees were considered depending on their work experience and awarded certificates. Today, the value of an individual’s credentials is not nearly as significant as personality, culture-fit, and the capability to quickly learn. What has caused this hiring evolution?

Many changes in the hiring process are primarily affected by the development of technology. Below, we discuss in more detail how technology advances such as artificial intelligence, social media, and mobile devices are changing the way companies hire employees.

Artificial Intelligence

Recruiting is a complicated process to maneuver in the business world. Finding the right employees is crucial, and hiring the wrong individual can cost a company thousands of dollars. Technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are slowly assisting in solving human capital management problems, even in recruiting.

Artificial intelligence startup companies are beginning to target areas such as effectiveness and efficiency to improve the hiring process for businesses.

Effectiveness of hiring increases through utilizing existing data to decrease the time a traditional employee hiring procedure would take. In the past, companies looking to fill a position usually collected lots of data for potential employees during the hunt but never continued to use that data in the future. Artificial intelligence startups are now offering services to cut down the length of the hiring process. The methods they utilize include sending timely personalized messages to passive job claimants, creating distinctive and successful job postings, and providing virtual assistance for candidates as their first point-of-contact with a hiring organization.

Efficiency levels in hiring are increased through artificial intelligence startups lightening the load that operational encumbrances weigh on a company. This assistance is possible through strategizing ways to automate minor, but relevant, tasks and produce more useful information for employers. Several strategies that startups offer include automating the functions of scheduling interviews, discovering and ranking potential candidates, and acquiring a potential technical candidate’s skill level through coding challenges that generate automatically.

Social Media

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram are all popular social media platforms that have a high effect on the current hiring process. Most recruiters use LinkedIn, a social network for professionals, as a primary source for finding applicants. Individuals looking for a job can attract recruiters and employers with a well-built profile. Hiring businesses can search through resumes while targeting necessary skills without having to make personal contact.

Facebook and Instagram also provide employers with the opportunity to showcase company culture and attract applicants. For a company to hire the right applicant, culture-fit is something highly considered.

Mobile Devices

Having a computer that fits in the palm of a hand, otherwise known as a smartphone, enables multiple opportunities in the business world. Virtual employees are becoming more common, which results in less in-person contact, and more mobile device use.

Working remotely instead of reporting to an office is a business method made possible through technology tools such as smartphones. These devices have helped in creating better communication channels between a hiring company and a candidate and expand global reach to take international candidates into account.

For more information on StaffScapes’ services, please be sure to schedule a consultation or call our PEO experts today. We look forward to serving you and your business.

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