Bells are ringing, lights are blinking and yummy goodies are being shared with holiday cheer.  Although the good feelings and warm wishes surround us during this winter time of celebration, it is also the time for stress and accidents.  Here’s a list of tips from StaffScapes to make sure you and your employees bring in the New Year safely.

Around the Office
1. Make sure walkways are clear from snow daily.  Use an ice melting product to help prevent slips and falls.
2. Tape down any electrical cords that are being used for holiday décor. 
3. Provide hand sanitizer and desk wipes to help prevent the spread of germs from colds and flu.

At the Party
1. Limit or prohibit alcohol for the festivities.  If you do serve, monitor your staff and call taxi’s for anyone without designated drivers. 
2. Provide plenty of food and non-alcoholic drinks for guests. 
3. Keep it professional.  It may be a party and a relaxed atmosphere, but it is still the office.

For You
1. Get as much sleep as you can.  Being well rested will help you fight off airborne illnesses. 
2. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy.  Enjoy the Christmas cookies but avoid overindulgence. 
3. Keep Your Routine.  Tis The Season to stress out with holiday parties, work deadlines, end of year requirements, shopping, multiple requests from others etc.  Sometime it just seems like it is too much for one person to handle.  To help assist with the demands of the season, do your best to maintain a routine that closely matches what you do during less busy times of the year.  Write down your “To Do” list, delegate tasks that you can and schedule a little “me time” whenever you can—even if it is just for a cup of coffee at your favorite little java joint. 

Happy Holidays!
