During the next couple of years, various Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) regulations will be required.  These include mandates for all businesses with 50 or more employees to provide health care and for all individuals to maintain a policy through either their employers or on their own. To assist in this process, the State of Colorado has created The Colorado Health Benefit Exchange (COHBE) to help an estimated 300,000 individuals and 100,000 small business workers obtain affordable benefits.

This week we read two Denver Business Journal articles we encourage you to read.  The first is “Private health exchanges crop up in Colorado.”  The second is “State moves ahead on developing rules for change.” Both were written by  Ed Sealover.   If after reading these reports you want further information, please visit the Connect For Health Colorado website. 

StaffScapes specializes in helping the small business owner navigate the often confusing management of Human Resources and payroll.  We stay current on regulations and research the laws that will impact you.  If this is something you don’t have time for and would like to learn more about our cost effective services, please call 303-466-7864 or email info@StaffScapes.com.  We’ll help remove those cumbersome tasks from your plate that you don’t want to deal with.