Denver based PEO provides 401k for small employers

Small business employees trail in retirement savings and preparedness, survey shows Small business employees are at a disadvantage when it comes to retirement savings, according to the results from the Eighth Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey. StaffScapes, Inc....

Only 14 percent of small businesses offer a 401(k) plan

Nearly half of small business owners are not confident about their own retirement savings; Only 17 percent say they feel an obligation to offer retirement benefits to employees. A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of ShareBuilder 401(k) found...
PEO & 401K Plans

PEO & 401K Plans

PEOs allow you the freedom to custom design a plan and eliminate the testing hassles of a plan that come along with having small business. Are you looking to add a 40k plan to your business or do you have a plan in place and hate the expense or testing problems that...