Two days of intense Social Media Marketing with some of the top names in the social media scene.

I spent the earlier part of this week in Boulder, Colorado learning about social media and how to best use it to market and promote a business. Biz Stone co founder of Twitter gave tips on how to maximize the use of Twitter. Dave Taylor and Andy Beal spoke on the over use of different types of Social Media. Shama Hyder and Peter Shankman discussed the use of Face Book. Susan Brandt also ran a discussion on professional vs personal use of Social Media.

It was a great two days and I have many new ideas on how to use the web to market. Social Media will be a devoted part to how we market StaffScapes in the future. One key thing to remember about marketing and the use of the web is that if something is working don’t completely leave it to try something else. Devote a portion of your time to traditional marketing and use the web and social media at the same time.

Aloha Summit
