How you choose to implement your workplace’s sick days policy can have a large effect on your employees. Employees are continuously asking for more and more time off, which can create staffing and productivity issues. However, being too strict regarding time off can put off current staff and potentially make your business look unappealing to prospective employees. As employees are increasingly leaving businesses which are too stringent with sick day policies, here’s what you need to know before you implement sick leave policies.


Although there are not many laws that dictate sick days, states and cities are beginning to implement more legislation to assure employees have paid sick leave. An increasing number of jurisdictions across the country are enacting paid sick days. In some states, not offering paid sick time to your employees can have serious legal repercussions. Colorado wage law does not require nor prohibit sick pay or sick leave. It does not require employers to provide time off due to illness or injury.

Corporate Culture

Besides the legal and logistical reasons behind offering your staff paid sick leave, there are also reasons pertaining to office culture and values. It’s important to employees that they are able to rest when they’re under the weather. Taking away sick days results in a contact StaffScapes to see how we can help your business succeed.
