Wal-Mart overtime miscalculations costs the company millions in payments, interest, and penalties

California labor law commissioner announced that Wal-Mart will pay close to $4 million dollars in overtime, penalties, and interest to 50,000 California employees who were employed with Wal-Mart between February 2002 and January 2007.

            Wal-Mart notified the California state government and the federal government that its payroll errors like calculating overtime pay an incorrect pay period scale, underpaying overtime, and not figuring bonuses in with employee’s income, had resulted in incorrect overtime pay for thousands of employees.  Wal-Mart paid close to $200,000 in civil penalties to California.

            StaffScapes aim to help their clients pay correct overtime for each employee. Calculating overtime and overtime premium is something StaffScapes regulates and processes for all clients to avoid state and federal penalties similar to Wal-Mart.

            If you have questions about calculating overtime pay correctly and how to minimize pay mistakes, please contact a StaffScapes representative at (303) 466-7864.  
