New program in Alabama gives state employees the opportunity to be humiliated at work.

The new program that has caused some questions will be brought to 37,527 state employees and cause at-work weigh-ins and fat tests. If an employee weighs over the “normal “BMI then they will be given two choices: either pay up or slim down. The cost for not sliming down? $25 extra a month for health insurance. If you think slimming down would be the right approach then you will need a get a check up at an “in-office wellness center, where nurses will check for diabetes and hypertension and measure blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose levels and Body Mass Index (BMI)”. Since Alabama is the leading state with both high insurance cost and obesity they are trying to resolve both in one program. Does Alabama think you’re fat? Take this humiliation-free BMI test online. The program will begin in 2010. Alabama already charges a $25 a month fee to smokers.

FoxNews September 2, 2008
