I turned on the news last night and watched as picture after picture was displayed showing the aftermath of the violent storms and devastating tornados that made their way across Oklahoma.  It happens every year across our great nation.  Buildings are destroyed, people are killed, and families go from enjoying an evening meal together to figuring out where they will sleep after their homes have been demolished.  Having been through several severe storms myself including the tornado that hit Windsor, CO in May, 2008, I am reminded that it is important to have a plan in place to deal with natural disasters when they occur.  As a business, it is your responsibility to provide a safe environment for your employees at your location.  You can’t prevent a natural disaster, but your can prepare for how to respond when the need arises.  Here are 3 Keys to help you get started:

1.  Have a written emergency evacuation procedure that includes floor plans and indicate exit locations and fire extinguishers.  Communicate these procedures with your staff

2.  Have an emergency kit stocked and accessible in each building of your business.  Include in this kit, contact phone numbers for medical treatment facilities in your area

3.  Have a designated location for all staff members to report to immediately after an emergency is declared.  Keep a staff roster with emergency contact information in an easily accessible location and account for all individuals by roll call to ensure safety and well-being of all employees

For more tips and information on preparing for an emergency, please contact us at 303-466-7864 or Eugena.Bellamy@StaffScapes.com for a complimentary copy of our whitepaper on developing your Emergency Response Plan.
